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How much does an outside firing cost?

We charge 3¢ per cubic inch per firing.

What Cone/temperature do you fire?

We primarily fire to Cone 5, with special firings on request.

How much are your classes?

Our One Time classes are $50 per person.

What are firing slips?

Firing slips are colored paper slips that members will write their name and date on for each piece per firing. This allows the Team to easily prioritize firings and get your pieces back to you faster. 

As a member, how is my firing allotment tracked

Each Member is responsible for keeping track of their firing allotment. we have a filing cabinet located in the glaze room with firing allotment tracker sheets that members should use to keep track of each piece's cubic inch for every firing. the forms should be kept in the filing cabinet and are  filed alphabetically by first name. 

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